The CDL (Control and Decision Theory Laboratory) is an established unit within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). It is based in the ECE building on the NTUA Campus. The aim of the Lab is to support the education of the students, both undergraduate and graduate, by providing support for the Laboratory sections of several courses, as well as to perform theoretical and applied research in several areas. In the context of the research activities within the CDL, several PhD and Diploma Theses are pursued. Read More
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  • Prof. Roland Malhame: «Mean field games and their application to energy systems» - 19/04 +

    Ομιλία του Professor Roland Malhame, καθηγητή του École Polytechnique de Montréal και μέλους του Group for Research on Decision Analysis (GERAD), με θέμα «Mean field games and their application to energy systems».

    Αίθουσα Πολυμέσων 1, 19 Απριλίου 2019, Ώρα: 13:00 στις 1μμ

    Σύντομη Περιγραφή Θέματος - Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα

  • Game Theory (Spring 2019) - First Meeting 18/03/2019 +

    Η πρώτη συνάντηση του μαθήματος "Θεωρία Παιγνίων" του διδακτορικού μεταπτυχιακού προγράμματος της ΣΗΜΜΥ έχει προγραμματιστεί για την Δευτέρα 18 Μαρτίου 2019.

    Η συνάντηση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 16:00 στο Εργαστήριο ΣΑΕ.
    (Παλιά Κτήρια Ηλεκτρολόγων, Αίθουσα 21.42)

  • CITY, UoL, 14 full-time, three-year PhD studentships (2019/20) +

    The School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering at City, University of London is offering 14 full-time, three-year doctoral studentships for 2019/20 entry.

    Applications are invited from exceptional and ambitious graduates wishing to pursue cutting-edge research in any of the School's key research areas.

    Read More
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